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Sep 19th 2022
🚨If you (1) sleep; and (2) wear a device that measures sleep/heart rate/ heart rate variability. Here is a thread explaining (briefly) our recent validation of 6 commonly used wearables🧵…
Caveat: more detail than can be condensed into a thread is required to fully understand such validations. Please use this thread as a primer for digesting the full paper!
In collaboration with @theAIS, we recruited 53 participants to spend 1 night in the @CQUni_Appleton Sleep Lab. Participants spent 9h in bed wearing 6 devices, as well as gold standard polysomnography (PSG; sleep) and electrocardiogram (ECG; heart rate).
Read 9 tweets
May 3rd 2021
OK, in response to popular demand (n=1), here is my 🧵on managing 💤*Jet Lag*💤 posted to my main timeline! Perhaps may be helpful as we begin to stray away from our homes for the first time in over a year:

(a 🧵.... 1/45)
So I think the big thing that helps to understand what’s going on is that jet lag is a misalignment of your environment with your internal biological pacemaker of your body, called the circadian rhythm. (2/45)
There are lots of functions in your body that follow a circadian rhythm - body temp, cortisol production, melatonin, immune system just to name a few. And in fact there are some processes all the way down at the cellular level that maintain a basic circadian rhythm (3/45)
Read 48 tweets

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