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Feb 17th 2021
Repressive COVID policies are NOT tied to a reduction in deaths.

Repressive COVID policies ARE linked to EXTREMELY low levels of in-person learning, and high unemployment.

#ZeroCOVID basically equates to #ZeroSchool, #ZeroJobs, #ZeroLife--and the same death.
4x fewer children have access to full-time, in-person learning in the most repressive 50% of the country, relative to the least repressive states.

2.5x are learning 100% virtually in the most repressive, compared to the least repressive.

Unemployment is 30% higher.
At the poles the difference is greater yet

In the least repressive states, 9x more children have access to 100% in-person learning than in the most repressive

In the most repressive states, 6X more children are “learning” 100% virtually. Unemployment is 50% higher
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