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May 23rd 2020
This tweet has been pinned since 2016, but #SaturdaySchool has been happening here on Twitter for a decade. Today, the weekly #SoJustHashtags team says thank you, it's been a good run, and now we hand it over to you, to do with it what you will, and we do hope you will.
I will continue to tag the stories I share with the #SoJustHashtags - I invite you to do the same - add #SoJust to the front of the topic and u can continue to add items to each of the different #SaturdaySchool hashtags - they are all there, waiting for u to use, learn, share
When I started #SaturdaySchool (a very long time ago), there weren't very many academics tweeting about these kinds of topics - and we had a lot to talk about. Twitter has changed tho, and there are MANY people who use social media to educate, learn, share, discern.
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