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Sep 1st 2022
Looking through the #Sounders form guide and analyzing the losses/ties from Miami on (the games leading into and after the CCL final):

Miami 0-1 L: Rotated side, no offense
SJ 3-4 L: Frei error, Nouhou soft pen——————*JP gone*—————
Dal 0-2 L: 5-2-3, rotated side

*MIA (H), SJ (A), DAL (A)*

COL (A) 0-1 L: 5-2-3, Ragen error coupled w/ big deflection, no VAR Raul PK
———-*Ruidiaz gone*——-
LAFC (H) 1-1 T: Nouhou CB error allowing equalizer
———*Obed gone*———
MTL (H) 1-2 L: Outplayed, lost after up
POR (H) 0-3 L: CM error (imo), Ragen red

NSH (A) 0-1 L: 5-2-3, no offense
CHI (A) 0-1 L: CM error (imo) coupled with over aggressive Yeimar
LAFC (A) 1-2 L: outplayed, lost after up
ATL (A) 1-2 L: stoppage time go ahead conceded, CM error both goals (imo)
RSL (H) 1-2 L: bad corner(?) transition goal conceded

Read 7 tweets
Aug 25th 2022
#MLSRefStats Week 27

REF: Ismail ELFATH - 189th game

AR1: Corey PARKER - 233rd
AR2: Kyle ATKINS - 144th
4TH: Mark ALLATIN - 28th
VAR: Geoff GAMBLE - 90th
AVAR: Eric WEISBROD - 49th

#PORvSEA #RCTID #Sounders
#MLSRefStats Week 27

R: Ismail ELFATH

188 g, 3.52 Y/g, 51 R, 60 pens, 25.98 F/g

HOME: 186 g, 1.70 Y/g, 21 R, 41 pens, 13.45 FC/g
AWAY: 1.81 Y/g, 29 R, 18 pens, 12.55 FC/g
HOME RECORD: 98 W - 40 D - 48 L (1.796 PPG)

#RCTID #Sounders
#MLSRefStats Week 27

R: Ismail ELFATH

12 g, 5.33 Y/g, 3 R, 6 pens, 24.58 F/g

HOME: 2.58 Y/g, 0 R, 5 pens, 13.75 FC/g
AWAY: 2.75 Y/g, 3 R, 1 pen, 10.83 FC/g
HOME RECORD: 6 W - 2 D - 4 L (1.667 PPG)

#RCTID #Sounders
Read 7 tweets
Feb 23rd 2022

2022 MLS Kit grading thread below ⬇️
Atlanta United FC: A

The color, the pattern, the message. All absolutely incredible!

The fact that this jersey is 100% sustainable fabric and the team is helping the city plant trees? So so amazing. Well done 👏 #UniteAndConquer
Austin FC: B+

The color is phenomenal, especially for an away kit. However, it’s pretty plain beside the unique color. Also wish it was more green to fit their verde color scheme. #AustinFC
Read 31 tweets
Aug 12th 2021
#ATLUTD #Mexicano Pineda presentado como entrenador en propiedad .. "No voy a llegar a cambiar demasiado. El sistema puesto aquí es fantástico" #MLS @jfranquicia
#ATLUTD Deales sobre #Mexicano Pineda, "No es una solución de momento, queremos que Gonzalo esté aquí por mucho tiempo" #MLS @jfranquicia
#ATLUTD Deales sobre #Mexicano Pineda, "tiene lo que necesitamos, no solo en el caso de juego sino conectando con los jugadores, con la comunidad, con los aficionados" #MLS
Read 29 tweets

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