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Mar 22nd 2023
#SriKrishnaPremi_Swamigal #SriSri_Anna
He is an embodiment of kindnes and compassion who has come to this world to initiate us in the path of Nama Sankeerthanam which is the only way to attain Hari in Kali. He was born to pious parents, Sri Venkatarama Shastrigal - Smt. Parvathi
Ammal in a village Senganur on the banks of Cauvery. He was born on the Krishnashtami day, Rohini star in 1934 was named Ramakrishnan. His family were the descendents of the renowned Vaishnavite Acharya Sri Periya Vachan Pillai. In his childhood he charmed everyone with his Bala
leelas and came to be fondly known as Ambi. Right from an early age of 8 he was joyfully engaged in composing soulful Bhajans and verses on Sri Krishna. Next came a period of rigorous Yogic practices and Dhyana. Sri Anna had become a master yogi by the age of 12. After which with
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