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Jul 30th 2020
When recommending a policy of empowering students in their language, I get frantic cries of "what about the student from Punjab living in Chennai, from Bihar in Bangalore etc."

I want to address this because a very small elite project their English-dependency onto others. 1/
Firstly, for what percent of people is inter-state migration an issue? Of the *entire* population of the country only 4.1% (42,341,703) migrated to a different state from where they were born. (2001 Census)….
So almost 96% of India stays in the same place they were born in. Can we start devising policies for the 96% first, rather than the 4%?

The entire drama on migration is about 4%, but wait there's more.

Of the migrants, less than 20% move for work, business or education.
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