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Aug 31st 2019
This man's hypocrisy is UNTAMABLE.

In his 2012 book Pax Indica, @ShashiTharoor said there are some 20 million illegal Bangladeshis in India. He wrote about them disparagingly, as though they were termites that had "disappeared into the Indian woodwork". Now he remembers Tagore. Image
In 2005, it was Tharoor's govt, the UPA, that proposed urgency in the drafting and the updating of the NRC in Assam.

The UPA Home Minister said he feared Assam could one day have a Bangladeshi chief minister. PM Manmohan Singh chaired the meeting.…
Also in 2005, Mamata Banerjee, outraging today, threw papers at the speaker, demanding a discussion on the scourge of illegal Bangladeshi migration.

She even resigned but her resignation was poorly drafted and misdirected and therefore wasn't accepted.…
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