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Mar 12th 2020
My heart aches. This year I’m about to graduate a class @ University of Puerto Rico that has seen:
1. Since they were 8 yo, they have seen the economy shrinking every single year with no end on sight.
2. Their Island emptying out, more than 1/4 of the population left.
3. The creation of PROMESA by Obama and Paul Ryan, which came to undermine what we have built. To make sure Wall Street will get paid even if that meant destroying our economy.
Read 14 tweets
Feb 29th 2020
Update on the Southern #PuertoRico Seismic Sequence since Dec 27 until Feb 29th 00:00. Activity continues to gradually decrease since M6.4 earthquake on Jan 07, 2020. Sudden activity spikes are normal.
Data from @redsismica of PR!
#TemblorPR @DavidBegnaud @adamonzon #EarthquakePR
Data extraction from the @redsismica website corresponds to the following region from December 27, 2019 to February 29, 2020 at 00:00:
Maximum Latitude: 18.2
Minimum Latitute: 20.6
Maximum Longitude: -66.5
Minimum Longitude: -67.2
#TemblorPR @adamonzon #EarthquakePR
Distribution according to the number of earthquakes per day of the Southern #PuertoRico Seismic Sequence since Dec 27, 2019 until Feb 29, 2020 00:00.
Data from @redsismica of PR!
#TemblorPR @DavidBegnaud @adamonzon #EarthquakePR
Read 7 tweets
Jan 11th 2020
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre la Declaración de Emergencia para Asistencia Federal Directa para #PuertoRico y la Declaración de Desastre Mayor firmada hoy por la gobernadora Wanda Vázquez? Abro hilo.👇🏼
#TemblorPR #PuertoRicoEarthquakes
El martes, el presidente de los Estados Unidos, @realDonaldTrump, firmó la Declaración de Emergencia para Asistencia Federal Directa, autorizando a @fema para asistir en las medidas de protección de emergencia (categoría B), bajo el programa de Asistencia Pública.
Estas medidas proveen asistencia para necesidades básicas como agua, catres y comida, y cubren en un 75% los gastos con fondos federales en los 78 municipios.
Read 10 tweets

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