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Feb 3rd 2022
Public Health Scotland - covid data
Booster proportion continues to rise rapidly - a higher proportion of cases, hospital admissions and ‘covid deaths’ than the proportion of the population
Maybe #TheDrugsDontWork ?
“But we have to look at population"
Okay, same data by rate. Compared to unvacinated, booster is
- 30% more likely to ‘catch covid’ (test positive)
- 20% less likely to be hospitalised
- but 70% more likely to be a covid death
“But we have to consider different ages!"
Okay, age-standardised. Firstly, case risk. These are 95% confidence ranges, so the correct answer is ‘probably’ in the shaded range.
Both boosted and two-dose are more likely to catch covid (test positive) than unvaccinated. 🤔
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