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What does the Boltzmann constant mean?

1/ Temperature has many units, among which are Kelvin and Joule. The two units covert as

1 Kelvin = 1.380649 × 10^−23 Joule

This conversion factor is called the Boltzmann constant, k.

It is analogous to

1 inch = 2.54 cm
2/ It looks silly to name an unsightly conversion factor after three great names: Joule, Kelvin, and Boltzmann.

All units are silly, but they are necessary evils.

Let's learn about the two units of temperature, Kelvin and Joule.
3/ Entropy of an isolated system is defined as the logarithm of the number of quantum states of the isolated system:

S = log Ω

For a thermal system, which transfers energy with surroundings, entropy is a function of energy, S(U).

Temperature T is defined by

1/T = dS(U)/dU
Read 8 tweets
Thermodynamics of phase transition

1/10 This thread focuses on a simple case, which illustrates the thermodynamic method.

Make a system of one species of molecules.
Neglect change in volume.

Thus, the system has a single independent variable: energy.
2/10 Consider a system of H2O molecules and two phases, ice and water. Change in volume is small, and is neglected in this model.

Water is a phase, which can be in many states. The same is true for ice.

Water and ice can equilibrate in mixtures.
3/10 Let u be the average energy per molecule, and s be the average entropy per molecule.

Draw a u-s plane.

On the u-s plane, each pure state corresponds to a point, and all pure states correspond to a set of points.
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