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Oct 24th 2019
Love ya @maddow, but you are wrong on one point tonight. Trump & Manafort go way back. Both were mentees of Roy Cohn. @MaddowBlog they DID know each other before trump hired him. Going back decades.
Both are mob princes. Manafort family in Connecticut. Trumps in the boroughs.
#ThisIsAMafiaStory. I laid it all out in 4 sentences. Giuliani fits in bec he cleared out the Russian Mob’s competition in NYC: by targeting the Five Families.
Read 4 tweets
May 8th 2019
What did Donald have that Fred didn’t? A casino license.
Carte blanche to launder dirty mob money & to steal from investors/lenders via shit IPO’s, junk bond defaults, bankruptcies.
Fred had real estate (MOB). Donald has that + lots of other ways to launder.
Hence, “losses”
This is about CRIME FAMILIES. Because #ThisIsAMafiaStory.
Don McGahn’s uncle Paddy, who helped Trump cheat to get his NJ casino license = mob.
Lying mcliarface @KellyannePolls grandad = Jimmy The Brute DiNatale.
Read 9 tweets
Sep 13th 2018
“Buh muh Kim & Kanye are noooooot mobsters!!!” 🤣
“We care about the Armenian genocide” (oops nope we just do what our handlers tell us to and they told us to care about this)
Read 11 tweets
Aug 21st 2018
Ok so this provotwatsiya from @RandPaul is rather telling. Wanna know why? Bec the people of Venezuela have been robbed by a vast global corruption scheme aka #TransnationalOrganizedCrime-which connects to Rand’s Russian bosses. Let’s take a look at some of the fuckery, shall we?
It’s also amusing that @EdRogersDC retweeted it, given where his money comes from (HINT: Ed reps a whole bunch of other countries that steal from their people-like Azerbaijan!)
So Venezuela has a giant issue with their state-owned oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela SA, aka PDVSA.
It is alleged that $11bn has “gone missing” from PDVSA.…
Read 16 tweets
Aug 14th 2018
How many deaths are on Giuliani's hands from this alone?
"US Gov secured a criminal conviction vs Purdue Pharma in the mid-2000s but failed to curb sales of the drug after Giuliani reached deal to avoid a bar on Purdue doing business"
I implore everyone to read this report by the State of NJ from 2013:
A Report on the SCI’s Investigation of Prescription Pill and Heroin Abuse
And note the table of contents.
"The Russian Connection"
"Mafia Rx"…
Read 9 tweets

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