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Feb 4th 2023
1. Thread on 3 dots tattoos. They symbolise high end mind controlled slaves. #mindcontrol #mkultra #mindcontrolledslaves #crowdresearch #foxyresearch
2. The Queen B, Beyonce has 3 dot tattoo, indicating she is a mind controlled slave. Left hand, ring finger, middle bone, #Beyonce #QueenB #3dottattoos #ThreeDotTattoos #MindControlledSlave #MindControl
3. Rita Ora - 3 dots tattoo on left ear, with a barcode like tattoo. #RitaOra rita's tatts… #RitaOra #3dots #threedots #mindcontrol #mkultra #mindcontrolledslave
Read 28 tweets
Feb 4th 2023
1. This weekends crowdresearch thread for celebs with three dots or triangle tattoos. It means high end mind controlled slave. Drop examples on this tweet. More details… #FoxyCrowdResearch1 #TriangleTattoos #ThreeDotTattoos #FoxyCrowdResearch
2. Thread on Celeb High End Mind Control Slave Tattoos - Rita Ora 3 dots left ear, source… #3dots #threedots #celectattoos #RitaOra
3. Ellie Goulding does not know why she got a red triangle on the inside of her right wrist. Different alter? #triangletattoos #mkultra #mindcontrolledslave…
Read 11 tweets

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