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Jan 9th 2021
The problem with #CR17BankStatements is that senior members of opposition were recepient, paid & appear there & those known to be #NDZ (moles of #CR17) appear in the statements. There will be bloody chaos in the country if the information is released to the public.
The old NIA now called @StateSecurityRS refused to give @NelsonMandela , Mbeki & Zuma the list of all sellouts and spies planted in the @MYANC during the struggle. They were told that there will never be a country if they broke that sacrosanct rule of espionage...Never reveal !
Till today @MYANC have apartheid security spies in high echelons of organisational & state leadership because @StateSecurityRS refused to make the list of Bruno Mtolo & them public, not even @NelsonMandela could be trusted with the list #CR17BankStatements will never be unsealed
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