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Nov 29th 2018
#ratometer #happycustomer
#ThursdayTech #thursdaytelecom



Dem don come again 😬😕🙅

Around July dis year, a friend of ours, bought a Freetel ice2 phone from the then Yudala, now @ShopKonga, two wks later it fell into a water puddle on her way back from work....
@ShopKonga 2/

....well it was rainy season then, you can't blame her 😀,

The phone refused to come up again even after she had dried it.

She took it back and requested for a repair as it still had the warranty cover. Well, she found out that warranty does not cover water damage...Oops
@ShopKonga 3/

After checking it, they said the panel is dead, that she has to get a new panel, but they do not have the panel.

She decided to take it to Ikeja Computer Village, after a whole day's search, she realized that Freetel ice2 phones don't have any of their parts available.
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