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Jul 23rd 2020
Seeing #TolkienEveryday posts from @sunamiami @The_Tolkienist and @MLCorbier have inspired me to do my own!

So here it goes! #TolkienEveryday Day 1: I recently recived the newest @DelReyBooks PB set! Even though I usually stick with UK versions I had to get these beauties! Image
#TolkienEveryday Day 2: Released just last month @JohnGarthWriter The Worlds of J.R.R Tolkien has to be one of the most beautiful books on Tolkien to date with stunning illustrations on every page, as well as being chalked full of great information on the professor’s influences! ImageImageImageImage
“If I stayed beside you, love would lead me, not wisdom”

- Beleg to Túrin

Beleg was the purest friend to be found in the legendarium and my favourite of Tolkien’s Characters. It’s heart wrenching when he’s killed accidentally by the one he most loved #TolkienEveryday ImageImage
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