So here it goes! #TolkienEveryday Day 1: I recently recived the newest @DelReyBooks PB set! Even though I usually stick with UK versions I had to get these beauties!

- Beleg to Túrin
Beleg was the purest friend to be found in the legendarium and my favourite of Tolkien’s Characters. It’s heart wrenching when he’s killed accidentally by the one he most loved #TolkienEveryday

May favourite Tolkien Wall paraphernalia, J.R.R and Christopher Tolkien I got from @MarkAltrogge

An interesting version of The Hobbit, released in the form of a comic book/ graphic novel, and illustrated by @DavidWenzel3

All my copies of Jackson’s Trilogy. All 3 on VHS, DVD, Blu-Ray Theatrical and Extended Edition boxsets as well as a Fellowship Limited edition and one with a lenticular LEGO cover!
#PeterJackson #LOTR

Released 66 years ago today, and 17 years after its predecessor - The Fellowship of the Ring, the first part of the greatest fantasy series of all time! Happy Birthday #Fellowship

This arrived just today, Tolkien at Exeter College signed by @JohnGarthWriter! Can’t wait to finally dig into it!

My 2 copies of The Fall of Gondolin hardcover, one regular and one with a misprinted dust jacket

My custom copy of @andyserkis Hobbitathon on DVD. Can’t wait to have it on the shelf next to Andy’s official audiobook come September

Another of my favourite characters, Beorn. As decribed by Gandalf in Queer Lodgings he is a great person, as well as changeling who can take the form of a great bear #TolkienEveryday Day 12

One of my favourite Tolkien Art Books - A Middle-earth Traveler, which shows off the marvellous sketches of John Howe

Another art book today, this time the deluxe slipcased edition of Alan Lee’s Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Sketchbooks

Arivied just today, the newest prized possession of my #TolkienCollection a 1st edition 8th impression of Fellowship of the Ring

The first all in one copy of Lord of the Rings was published in 1968. My copy is the 15th impression from 1975

One of my favourite non-book sources of Tolkien related information, @prancingponypod
I only starting listening a couple months ago but I’m already on episode 122

My first editions of The Silmarillion. Two UK Unwins, and one US Houghton Mifflin

The Hardcovers of the three Great Tales. I’m so thankful for Christopher Tolkien’s work in getting these released!

“Eldest, that's what I am... Tom remembers the first raindrop and the first acorn... he knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless – before the Dark Lord came from Outside."
Another of my favourite characters, Tom Bombadil
#TomBombadil #LoTR

Love the idea and wish I could’ve checked off travelled to Hobbiton, but unfortunately I haven’t made it to New Zealand yet! #TolkienBingo

@ralphbakshi ’s Lord of the Rings (1978). Not as good as Jackson’s masterpiece but still a great 70’s adaptation with many scenes Jackson payed homage to in his trilogy

Just booked myself a spot at #Oxonmoot, can’t wait to finally be able to attend a @TolkienSociety event!

My first edition of Tolkien’s Roverandom, edited by Christina Scull & Wayne G. Hammond and released in 1998

Just got my copy of Amon Hen 284 featuring this gorgeous cover illustration by @norloth

Happy Birthday to the marvellous Alan Lee as he turns 73 today. @AlanLee11225760 has a long connection to Middle-earth, illustating an abundance of Tolkien books as well as being Art Director for Jackson’s trilogy!