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Oct 20th 2019
#TransMarchBerlin #Review
The first speech in front of Moabit prison was from "Trans* Menschen in Haft", who published a brochure about everything what is important for trans* people in prison. ein grünes Seepferdchen als...
They write about accommodation in the wrong prison, body searches, transitioning inside of prison, the legal basis for trans* people without a german passport, accessibility to trans*related medical treatments, hormone therapy, operations and many more topics.
The brochure is for everyone but especially for trans* people that might go to prison and their relatives.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 20th 2019
#TransMarchBerlin #Review

The second speech at the starting point was from Trans*sexworks, which is a peer to peer support structure and a network for and made up of Trans*sex workers. Image
Trans*sex workers in Germany, and in many other countries are often excluded from support and counseling structures because of a lack of services that fit their needs: they have various trans* specific issues which are often not on the radar.
These things affect sex workers of all classes, whether you work indoors or outdoors, with or without Internet, if you are trans*male or a transwoman or whatever self definition fits you.
Read 11 tweets

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