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Oct 19th 2021
1/n - The Great Gabby - #TreasureHunter of #ElDorado
A #ShortStory on🤩
STATUTORY WARNING – This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person living/dead is deliberate & intentional. The story may cause severe pain to a few. Readers are advised due caution b4 reading🥰
A treasure hunter called The Great #Gabby, wid great passion 4 discovering #ElDorado, after years of research claimed 2hv finally cracked d code whch was encrypted in ancient epics of #ElDorado
- He claimed that 25 42’ 0.840”N and 71 42’ 0.007’W r d coordinates of #Eldorado
Gabby showed hw he’d done yrs of tapasya 2 discover d truth & hw scientific he was. He not only gave all data in his favor but also a few whch went against him. Ppl saw dis as a sign of his honesty & lapped up his findings. His name and fame soon spread across the world!
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