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Mar 7th 2023
Gonna start a festival. #Twatsonbury

I'll advertise how great it is. World-beating, in fact.

But there will be a 100 ft high wall around the 100 mile perimeter, and no gate.

No illegal entry. Or legal entry.

Then I'm gonna spend YEARS whining about the cost of security.🧵
The only way in will be to scale the wall, which is dangerous and illegal, and loads of people die, while giving all their money to the network of previously unheard-of "ladder gangs" that mysteriously sprung up when I built a massive wall.

But I can stop all this. Trust me.
I'm gonna have - and this is no exaggeration - a new "no entry" policy every month for a decade, and 43 different "definitely no entry if you're wet" policies.

I'm going to tell everybody inside that we're being invaded, and they need to leave me in charge so I can prevent it.
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