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Jul 31st 2021
This is what remains of #CharlesCorm's short lived #AmitiéLibanoPalestinienne; bits and pieces of documents at the #CZArchives in Jerusalem, and an exchange of notes of goodwill like this one to #EliahuEpstein (Eilath) and his wife, "in recognition of [our] friendship"
Based on Epstein's recollections and #JewishAgency papers, there is a sizable slice of Lebanese history extirpated from Lebanon's official curricula and doctored up (or suppressed) by the curators of the private papers of Lebanon's "founding fathers." #Corm for instance believed
in the special responsibility incumbent upon the descendants of the #Hebrews and the #Phoenicians, and the obligations they respectively had to modern Israel and Lebanon. Layers of cultures have been deposited in Israel and Lebanon, throughout their history [he admitted...]
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