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Mar 2nd 2022
Exactly. This is what I keep trying to say everyday with my #factcheckbait #QTbait threads.
The way to fight fascist disinformation, be it Putin or sanghi, is not to reflexively denounce their bait.
It is to keep them busy with our own bait. Not lie like them. But be smart.
Something simple you can do. Tweet regularly something like "Did you know that father of Hindutva Vinya Savarkar said Hindus should eat beef?"

Factually true. And enrages sanghis. They'll show up demanding source, cite etc.

Hide their replies, block. 😂

Repeat in a few days.
The way to defeat misinformation agents is not to QT them, but bait them into QTing you. Keep them in rebuttal mode always.

Every single day, there should be a coordinated new QT bait thrown at fascists. Exhaust them. Waste their time. Give them hypertension.
Read 8 tweets

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