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Jan 20th 2023
Top 10 reasons to support #Vikramanš“ƒµ &
Why #Vikraman deserves to win #BiggBossTamil6 title

1. Never shied away from questioning any sort of abuse or unethical practices. Always took a stand for victims including his haters like #Dhana #Amudhu #Ayesha etc. #BiggBossTamil
Top 10 reasons to support #Vikramanš“ƒµ &
Why #Vikraman deserves to win #BiggBossTamil6 title

2. Never played safe games like #Myna #Mani #ADK etc. like how they used to side with power centers. Slyly avoid & get away from the issue by playing highly diplomatic #BiggBossTamil
Top 10 reasons to support #Vikramanš“ƒµ &
Why #Vikraman deserves to win #BiggBossTamil6 title

3. Never been disrespectful to anyone, even to those who spewed venom and hate against him (examples #Amudhu , #Azeem , #Dhana ). Treated people with respect & dignity #BiggBossTamil
Read 11 tweets

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