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Mar 20th 2023
Credit Suisse #CS chairman says We were affected by a market model that does no longer work in this environment, last autumn we had this social media storm & it had huge repercussions, more in the retail sector than wholesale sector, when he was asked Who is responsible?
#GME Image
If one of the largest Swiss bank is not safe by holding a bet against retail investors, let the #US #banks rethink who are the real whales in this game now. #GME investors have fallen in love with the stock, #WeAreNotSelling #WeAreNotLeaving eventually everyone will pay the price
Market Makers who used algo to drive down the price, firms that removed the buy button,Regulatory bodies which allowed Market Makers & others to hide their short pos,Regulatory body which failed to shut down #darkpool,Brokers who took part in illegal activities are responsible!!!
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