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Mar 5th 2019
Expressing myself frankly, although some (mostly many) readers will be angry. As it is, I have gotten into a habit of listening or responding to many weird allegations while working in Jammu and Kashmir, so this is not a new thing. 1/n
#AirStrike #JAndK #India #WeTheNation
For the last few days, the Bhakts, or the ultra-nationalists, or the Dynasts, or those who hold only a Family's word to be the ultimate truth, or probably ALL LIVING HUMANS in India have upheld and paraded with a lot of slogans and hashtags. 2/n
Some are promoting wars, some opposing them, some proposing peace, some just making random noise. Many people have speculated about the number of terrorists dead in the cross-border air strikes, the proposed number ranging from zero to three hundred. 3/n
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