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Aug 10th 2022
@RajanJSaw Acknowledges the erosion of trust between the government and @albertateachers and looks forward to strengthening this relationship.
@RajanJSaw @albertateachers @rebeccakschulz understands that the issues are complex and there are a lot of people at the table that need to be included. "We have to build respect. We have to build trust." On curriculum: "The approach should have been 'we didn't get it right.' [1/2]
@RajanJSaw @albertateachers @rebeccakschulz Expresses that it isn't right, but it would be too late to stop in October. The crowd disagrees - it would not be too late.
Read 43 tweets
Apr 17th 2019
#RM_Ott19 @mgfortin_rd - #superclusters represent 50K jobs, in 5 clusters receiving a total 1B$ from the government. Today we'll here some of their plans, but it's important to remember that we all have a stake in this.
#RM_Ott19 what is your supercluster, and how will it work differently? @kendmacdonald @CanadaOSC says it will bring together siloed sectors, who have similar goals and who are aiming at the same challenges for Nova Scotia and Canada
Read 20 tweets
Apr 16th 2019
#RM_Ott19 @research_money next panel on Using the Full Spice Rack of talent and skills, w/ @BenoitTessier1 @ISED_CA, @rhonda_barnet of AVIT manufacturing, Elisha Ram @Labour_ESDC and @ajtibando @paletteskills
BT: there's a blame game on #skills ➑️ everyone points to someone else for leadership and responsibility for bringing skills to the next gen.

Q: if the 3 panelists are marooned an island, what skills do they need?

RB says govt and academia are limited help, so she will get people from her company to interact with young people and set up a robotics competition on the island. Also #WIL and active mentorship.

Read 18 tweets

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