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Jan 12th 2023
"Since the passage of FNFMA, 335 First Nations have chosen optional path of participation in the FNFMA — more than half of all Indian Act First Nations...The FNFMA framework & institutions have enabled First Nations to collectively secure" 1/12
"an intern'l, investment-grade credit rating & access $2 billion in private capital through FNFA, creating over 14,000 new jobs in the process. This platform has further empowered First Nations gov't's 2 generate over $1 billion in tax revenues, empowered by FNTC." 2/12
"Stronger gov't's, flourishing economies & secure revenues have supported capacity of First Nations 4 self-determination & lead 2 improved socio-economic outcomes, including community services & infrastructure." 3/12
Read 12 tweets
Jul 11th 2021
Victims. Millions of them.

No matter who you were and are, financial terrorism looms large. In the aftermath of the 2008 Global Economic Collapse, tens of millions of people around the world were thrown into upheaval.

The immediate narrative shouted by mainstream media was people got greedy, or in over their heads, using their homes as ATM machines as if millions outwitted the system of global finance to destroy the world.
If that were the case, why did trillions of dollars get funneled back into the system that created it, all while tens of millions of people had their lives completely destroyed?
Read 9 tweets

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