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Jan 30th 2022
Today is #WorldNTDDay #worldntdday2022 in 2005 we wrote the first papers using the term "neglected tropical diseases" indexed in PubMed, creating a list of 12 diseases + opportunity to bundle them in a "rapid-impact" package of essential medicines that now reach >1 billion/yr
The first papers were published in @PLOSMedicine (because @PLOSNTDs did not yet exist) and I remember how we worked with @GYamey to organize them.…
Ultimately we worked with the @PLOS team and Dr. David Brandling-Bennett at @GatesFoundation to launch @PLOSNTDs…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 30th 2021
❗️Publication alert in honor of #WorldNTDDay❗️Five key points about intestinal #schistosomiasis for migrant health practitioners out in @TMAID1. Congratulations to super⭐️ @BoggildLab alums & trainees @LeilaFMakhani @swana_kopal @ShvetaBhasker 🙌👏💯🤗❤️🔥 A short thread 👇 1/13
2/13 #schistosomiasis in migrants from endemic areas is a chronic helminthic infection in which eggs produced by adult trematodes residing in venous plexi can damage the liver & genitourinary tree due to inflammation over time
3/13 Those most at risk of acquiring schistosomiasis include adults & children residing in endemic areas of sub-Saharan Africa, southeast Asia, or eastern South America who have been reliant on freshwater bodies (rivers, lakes, streams) for activities of daily living
Read 12 tweets
Jan 28th 2021
In preparation for the upcoming World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day on January 30, I will tweet about the different countries that we are researching the devastating effects of NTDs. @mebottazzi @PeterHotez #NTD #WorldNTDDay
First up is my home country of the United States of America. The USA has areas of poverty and issues with sanitation that allow the spread of tropical diseases.…………
Our Alabama study detected a third of Alabamians that have poor access to proper sanitation had hookworm, a dangerous parasite causing blood loss. @MckennaMeg1 @patriciaebryan @RebeccaJeun @mebottazzi @PeterHotez @CathFlowers… Collecting samples using the NSTM Jeep!
Read 21 tweets

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