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Jan 30th 2023
Hoy 30 de enero es día internacional de las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas (ETD) o #NTDs y como 🇩🇴 está en el #tropico también tenemos varias #NTDs (Breve 🧵) Image
Las #ETD son un grupo diverso de 20 afecciones que están muy extendidas en las regiones más pobres del mundo, donde la seguridad del #agua, el #saneamiento y el acceso a la atención #médica son deficientes, y se han empeorado por el cambio #climático 2/n Image
Están 'desatendidas’ porque están ausentes de la agenda de salud mundial. Incluso hoy en día, cuando la atención se centra en la cobertura sanitaria universal, las #NTD tienen recursos muy limitados y las agencias de financiación mundial casi las ignoran. 3/n
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Feb 18th 2022
𝟭𝟵𝟴𝟬:Wojciech “Al” Krotoski et al publish a report in the British Medical Journal describing a dormant liver stage of #Plasmodium cynomolgi in Rhesus macaques. These dormant liver stages, called "hypnozoites" are postulated to be the cause of relapses of this #malaria species Image
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𝟭𝟵𝟴𝟭: In 1981, Dr William C. Campbell of the Merck Institute for Therapeutic Research in the US, published "An Introduction to the Avermectins" which described a new series of compounds with potent antiparasitic properties against nematode & arthropod #parasites. Image
Read 88 tweets
Feb 8th 2022
𝟭𝟵𝟳𝟬: It was in 1970 that the full life cycle of #Toxoplasma gondii was described for the 1st time by Frenkel et al. Nowadays, the micro- and macro- gametocyte stages in the cat intestine are rarely studied, so the Frenkel et al. (1970) micrographs are still informative. Image
𝟭𝟵𝟳𝟭: A year that would forever change the field of #malaria research. In 1971, Prof Youyou Tu of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in Beijing, would use ether to extract "qinghaosu" from Artemisia annua L. leaf extract. In English: Artemisinin. @womeninmalaria Image
Read 7 tweets
Nov 20th 2021
01/ Vous voulez savoir :
- comment se protéger d’une #COVID sévère sans médicaments sur ordonnance ?
- pourquoi elle touche certaines personnes et pas d'autres ?
- ce qui cause les #EffetsSecondaires des #vaccins ?

#COVID_19 #covid19 #covid #coronavirus #vaccination

02/ Jean-Marc Sabatier (@SabatierJeanMa1), Directeur de Recherche au CNRS depuis 32 ans, PhD/HDR en Biochimie et Microbiologie, nous explique tout cela dans une vidéo ( dont je résume les 42 premières minutes dans ce #thread.
03/ Le virus #SARS-CoV-2 s’attaque au #SRA (le système rénine-angiotensine), un de nos systèmes de régulation les plus importants, responsable des fonctions autonomes rénales, pulmonaires, cardiovasculaires, de l’#immunité innée et du #microbiote intestinal.
Read 48 tweets
Jun 25th 2021
Our 5th and final day of #ParasitesOnline21 will begin shortly with a plenary talk from Prof Santiago Mas-Coma from University of Valencia on: Fascioliasis control in human endemic areas: one health action to complement preventative chemotherapy
Prof Maria-Gloria Basanez introduces Prof Santiago Mas-Coma who was awarded Honorary membership of @BSPparasitology in 2020
Prof Mas-Coma cites his recent paper, which describes this One Health approach to tackle fascioloiasis spread by donkeys, which are important for transport in the Altiplano:… Sheep & cattle also act as reservoirs:… #ParasitesOnline21
Read 36 tweets
Feb 18th 2021
1/3 Once you get the #scabies itch, it's hard to get rid of it! @michaelghead and @MedVetAcarology doing fantastic international work #NTD
2/3 Which builds on our #NTD work in the UK, would you believe. Here's why we're looking forward to seeing #scabies again in #carehomes as #COVID19 ebbs…
3/3 With #scabies - like #COVID19 - we must ask "Can rates of infection be too low?" Same for #syphilis - took early #AIDS epidemic in #UK, and Maoism in #China. Something I ask students when teaching on #STI #HIV. Serious question.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 28th 2021
In preparation for the upcoming World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day on January 30, I will tweet about the different countries that we are researching the devastating effects of NTDs. @mebottazzi @PeterHotez #NTD #WorldNTDDay
First up is my home country of the United States of America. The USA has areas of poverty and issues with sanitation that allow the spread of tropical diseases.…………
Our Alabama study detected a third of Alabamians that have poor access to proper sanitation had hookworm, a dangerous parasite causing blood loss. @MckennaMeg1 @patriciaebryan @RebeccaJeun @mebottazzi @PeterHotez @CathFlowers… Collecting samples using the NSTM Jeep!
Read 21 tweets
Apr 17th 2020
1/ Primary Care Case of the Week

#MedStudents clinical placements have halted due to the #COVID19 pandemic. So I’d like to share an interesting case each week to support #MedStudents clinical reasoning.

🧐All cases are factitious, but inspired by cases seen in #PrimaryCare Image
2/ Before we begin, what is clinical reasoning?

💡It’s an ability to integrate & apply different types of knowledge, to weigh evidence, critically think about arguments & to reflect upon the process used to arrive at a diagnosis

#MedEd #MedTwitter… Image
3/ Do you have a diagnostic strategy?

💡Make sure you structure your differential list & practice using it with every case!

📝Here’s Murtagh’s PROMPT:
P=Probable diagnoses
R=Red flags
O=Often missed
T=patient trying to Tell me something

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Apr 14th 2020
When I started working on #scabies outbreaks in #carehomes some of my colleagues thought it was a weird, marginal interest. Now with #COVID19 it's changing. Everyone's realising that infection is a big deal in these #EndOfLife settings. Image
#Carehomes for older people are hard to study. Residents often have #dementia, staff are run off their feet, #consent to research is difficult - brilliant colleagues including @MedVetAcarology sorted this…
Life expectancy on entry to a #carehome for older people is typically 8 months - these settings are largely #LastHomes. Everyone needs a plan for what will and won't happen for the common things likely to make them ill or deteriorate. #CPR probably not part of it
Read 13 tweets
Sep 18th 2019
.@DFID_UK's new #UKAid programme supports neglected tropical disease elimination and the @TheGlobalGoals. We asked our colleague @yarimaezra about how @Sightsavers and partners will help #BeatNTDs and improve the lives of citizens in 13 of the world’s poorest countries #SDG1
“My name is Ezra Yarima, I’ve been working for Sightsavers since 2015. I am a public health specialist in Nigeria, with a monitoring and evaluation background. I am very passionate about disease management and disability prevention.” #BeatNTDs Ezra stands next to a sign in arabic outside a house.
“My favourite part of my job is that I know I am making a difference in the lives of people affected by neglected tropical diseases #NTDs. I cherish the smiles I see post-treatment.” #BeatNTDs Three children looking at the camera smiling
Read 11 tweets
Aug 28th 2019
"The Epoch Times seeks to restore honest journalism, the purpose of a free press."

Wall Street Journal @WSJ publishes op-ed by @EpochTimes publisher Stephen Gregory in response to misleading @NBCNews and @MSNBC attacks. (Thread 👇)…
@WSJ @NBCNews @MSNBC The #EpochTimes is a nonpartisan, independent media company that publishes a daily newspaper and website. Our motto is “Truth and Tradition.”

Last week #NBCNews and its sister network #MSNBC launched a series of irresponsible and misleading attacks on us.
The network led with the claim that we have spent “more than any organization outside of the Trump campaign itself” in the past 6 months on “pro-Trump advertisements.”

NBC refers to ads promoting our print subscriptions—typically short, lively videos featuring recent articles.
Read 16 tweets
Aug 22nd 2019
Dear readers,

As you know, The Epoch Times is a proudly independent news organization dedicated to truthful reporting.

Thanks to your support, we are now America’s fastest-growing newspaper. (Thread 👇)…
It appears, however, that not everyone is thrilled with our growth and our dedication to restoring honest journalism.

@NBCNews & @MSNBC dedicated a good amount of their time attempting to discredit us.

We were surprised at witnessing what appears to be a new low…
…that media are willing to drop to in an effort to quash voices they don’t agree with.

@MSNBC host Rachel @Maddow, known for her biased coverage of the Trump admin and for getting the Trump–Russia collusion story wrong, dedicated 30 minutes of prime-time television to us.
Read 23 tweets

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