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Sep 4th 2019
⚡️😲Woa! Did you save your work? Where is the flashlight? Day 4 #30days30waysUK #powercut

#WednesdayThought #WednesdayMotivation
A #powercut can happen anytime. Thankfully in the UK they're usually resolved quickly. But what if...?
Today we're joined by @wpduk @Northernpowergrid @ElectricityNW & partners, follow #30days30waysUK throughout the day. 👀🔉…
⚡️Call 105 ⚡️Do NOT call your electricity supplier. Electricity suppliers sell consumers energy and are not responsible for the power lines that connect homes or business. Distribution network operators (DNOs) are responsible and when you call 105, you will be put through.
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