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Sep 11th 2020
Hello #30days30waysUK. It's day 11 September is Preparedness Month and we distinctly have a #FridayFeeling you may have some prior experience with.....
A #powercut can happen anytime for a variety of reasons. To report it simply 📞105.
Top tip: add it to your phone contacts for quick access.
🔦Find out how you can prepare for and what do to during a short powercut via the special 105 powercut site
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Sep 1st 2020
😃👋 Welcome to #30days30waysUK 2020 🇬🇧
the 6th edition of the ‘September is #Preparedness Month’.
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#DRRtwitter #EMGtwitter #SMEM #DRR Image
Wow 🤩 What a day!! Over 100 partners taking part on the first day!!
What a fantastic start for this years #30Days30WaysUK Thank you so much 👏🏻
We are so excited for this year - stay with us! it’s going to be a great September!!
Here are some of our partners 👇
Read 36 tweets
Sep 10th 2019
Initial reflections on this morning's second, more detailed @ng_eso report to @ofgem on the 9th August #powercut cut
Confirms many things in the initial report, including timeline, lighting strike as original cause and fact that three separate sets of generation went offline. Provides more interesting details in several key areas
Hornsea 1: confirms reason for it taking itself offline was unexpected reaction to voltage fluctuation on NG connection due to lightning strike. Ref to "insufficiently damped electrical resonance" & graph suggests control system somehow amplified fluctuations, causing switch off Image
Read 14 tweets
Sep 4th 2019
⚡️😲Woa! Did you save your work? Where is the flashlight? Day 4 #30days30waysUK #powercut

#WednesdayThought #WednesdayMotivation
A #powercut can happen anytime. Thankfully in the UK they're usually resolved quickly. But what if...?
Today we're joined by @wpduk @Northernpowergrid @ElectricityNW & partners, follow #30days30waysUK throughout the day. 👀🔉…
⚡️Call 105 ⚡️Do NOT call your electricity supplier. Electricity suppliers sell consumers energy and are not responsible for the power lines that connect homes or business. Distribution network operators (DNOs) are responsible and when you call 105, you will be put through.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 1st 2019
😃👋 Welcome to #30days30waysUK 2019🇬🇧
🎀🎉 the 5th anniversary edition of the ‘September is #Preparedness Month’ games on social media:
1⃣ game rules:…
2⃣ follow #30days30waysUK, like-share-reply
3⃣ do the daily challenges

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😃🙌👏first, #shoutouts to our international friends
🇺🇸 running #30days30ways USA
🇭🇷 running #30days30waysCR Croatia
@globalnetworkdr members who are looking at how to run #preparedness games in their communities.

#DRR #EMGtwitter #SMEM @UNDRR @PreventionWeb

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Day 1 #30days30waysUK is about #WhatEmergency to #UnderstandRisk – your thread is at

🤔Games rules:…
🙂Email sign up:…
😎Participate: follow & post using #30days30waysUK
#SMEM #EMGtwitter
Read 35 tweets
Aug 20th 2019
Very clear report from @ng_eso to @ofgem on the 9th August #powercut…. Few takeaways:
Generation was lost from three sources in quick succession: local, small-scale generators, two units of Hornsea one wind farm, and Little Barford gas-fired power station
The implication is that all three were triggered by a lightning strike on a transmission line just south of the Little Barford station. This caused the local generation to trip out, which would be expected (and easily covered - 500MW)
Read 11 tweets
Aug 10th 2019
OFGEM - the UK Government's energy regulator - are the biggest obstacle to making full use of #Scotland's #renewable #energy resources.

Energy policy is reserved to the UK Government, so there's absolutely nothing the Scottish Government can do about #Ofgem.

Thread: 1/x
Here's a BBC article where Ofgem have supposedly given the "green light" for the first ever grid connection to Shetland.

(Believe it or not, we're in 2019 and the UK has never bothered to connect #Shetland to the National Grid.)

Unfortunately, approval for the grid connection to Shetland is conditional on the UK Government funding a wind farm project there, which will in turn be conditional on being able to transmit power to the National Grid.


Read 16 tweets
Aug 9th 2019
Major power failures reported across large areas of the UK, affecting trains, airports and traffic lights
Network Rail says trains across large parts of England were stopped after a "power surge on the National Grid" but its signalling system has now come back online
National Grid says the outage was caused by "issues with two power generators" but says the problem has now been resolved
Read 4 tweets
Sep 22nd 2018
Welcome to Day 22 #30days30waysUK September is #PreparednessMonth.
🍳👩🍳It's #COOKOFF time! We're tuning into 🇺🇸@KitCookOff and @CDCgov with "A Dash of Planning… Pinch of Preparedness… a World of Difference"
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#SaturdayMotivation #SMEM Image
To begin, let's take a look at this video from 🇺🇸@CDCgov which looks at emergency food stocks for household preparedness. Their advice is equally valid no matter where in the world you are.

#emergencyfood #shelterinplace #preparedness #EMGtwitter
The US @KitCookOff campaign, supported @CDCgov, is running for quite a few years. It is not only super practical for preparedness but also great fun, especially if you are new and unsure what personal preparedness is all about.……
Read 5 tweets
Sep 9th 2018
A very good #SundayMorning to you and welcome to day 9 #30days30waysUK. We're joined by @wpduk and many others talking about ⚡️⚡️#powercut.
↙️Open 'show thread' to follow along | #SMEM #EMGtwitter #preparedness
⚡️⚡️A #powercut can strike any time but is usually quickly resolved. Follow today's hashtag #30days30waysUK for information and tips.
Do you know who to call when there is a power cut ⁉️
#preparedness Image
⚡️📞Call 105 ⚡️Do NOT call your electricity supplier. Electricity suppliers sell consumers energy and are not responsible for the power lines that connect to home or business to our network. 🔌💡
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