Trump Fundraising Emails Profile picture
Retired. Emails from Trump’s term tracked here:

Nov 7, 2018, 10 tweets

THREAD: I’ve put together a mini Midterms version of the Trump Fundraging analysis, focused mainly on the last few days before Election Day (Oct 29-Nov 6). Please RT!

#Trump #TrumpEmails #Midterms #2018Midterms #2018MidtermElections

From October 29th through November 6th, I got 27 total emails. That’s exactly 3/per day, WAY above the 0.896/day average throughout all of 2018.

I chose Oct 29th for this thread because that’s when they really started picking up.

“Donald J. Trump” dominated the From field most of Oct. In the week before the midterms, they switched to a big mix of surrogates: Donald Trump Jr. (1st email of 2018), Eric Trump (8th), Melania Trump (5th), Lara Trump (23rd), Newt Gingrich (12th), & Brad Parscale (12th).

(note: “4X-MATCHING@TrumpHeadquarters” was during the final FEC Deadline push on the 31st, so it’s a bit of an outlier)

Well over half of the emails in the last week before Election Day were intentionally combative (contain racist dogwhistles, falsehoods, etc).

There were a ton of “vote GOP or Nancy Pelosi will take over” warnings. The racist caravan fear-mongering was big, too.

Nancy Pelosi has been referenced 30 times in 2018 emails that I’ve received. As she is now set to reclaim her role as House Majority Leader, I assume she'll become an even more frequent target in this messaging leading up to the 2020 elections.

Since Oct 29th, donation requests were still the most common action item, but there were a lot of GOTV themes, too: midterm election surveys, pledges to support Trump/GOP, and Find Your Polling Station.

18 emails since 10/29 were sent by the Republican National Committee (RNC); 9 from the Trump Make America Great Again Committee (TMAGAC), “a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. and the Republican National Committee.”

After getting 3 Ted Cruz for Senate fundraising messages earlier in Oct, I only got 1 in the home stretch. See this thread for why that’s significant: (tl;dr Trump sold my info to Cruz)

I also got one other surprising email that I’ll talk about later.

That’s it! Thanks for following let’s see if they give it a rest for a while. Regardless, I’ll have another deep dive in December, so stick with me!

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