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May 18th 2020
Trump coloring books ImageImage
Trump propaganda team promotes #Obamagate bullshit Image
Trump marketing team pitches an "Honor Roll" and A+ grades and being part of a "distinguished group" to people who may not have experienced such things much in their lives. Image
Read 226 tweets
Feb 6th 2019
From: DonaldJTrump•com
Subject: What a speech
Preheader: The GREATEST State of the Union Address ever.

#Trump #TrumpEmails #SOTU #TrumpSOTU

Even before the State of the Union Address, Cryin’ Chuck and Democrats criticized President Trump’s speech.

During his historic State of the Union Address he had a very clear message for Democrats like Cryin’ Chuck, who only obstruct:”
“‘Victory is not winning for our party, victory is winning for our country.’

It’s called AMERICA FIRST!

Here are some of the highlights from last night’s historic State of the Union Address:”
Read 10 tweets
Nov 7th 2018
THREAD: I’ve put together a mini Midterms version of the Trump Fundraging analysis, focused mainly on the last few days before Election Day (Oct 29-Nov 6). Please RT!

#Trump #TrumpEmails #Midterms #2018Midterms #2018MidtermElections
From October 29th through November 6th, I got 27 total emails. That’s exactly 3/per day, WAY above the 0.896/day average throughout all of 2018.

I chose Oct 29th for this thread because that’s when they really started picking up.
“Donald J. Trump” dominated the From field most of Oct. In the week before the midterms, they switched to a big mix of surrogates: Donald Trump Jr. (1st email of 2018), Eric Trump (8th), Melania Trump (5th), Lara Trump (23rd), Newt Gingrich (12th), & Brad Parscale (12th).
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