Crystal ⁷ Profile picture
Social media au writer|nsfw writings👺|Crystal|26| ot7 connoisseur| jikook🐰🐤/Vminkook 🐯🐰🐤| 102619 BTS| thefabulouseren on ao3| Paola and Gabby enthusiast💕

Nov 16, 2018, 70 tweets

NSFW Jikook au

Soft baby boy nerd jimin drinks for the first time only to get wasted and accidentally enter the wrong dorm room and sleep in a strangers bed not knowing it belongs to the college’s infamous player & frat boy, Jeon Jungkook #jikook #jikookau #kookmin #kookminau

Warning: This au is nsfw so just be warned and cautious! ⚠️

I’ll start with Jikook profiles! As the members are introduced I’ll keep adding profiles

Here is the preview as well (ignore time stamps rip)
#jikook #kookmin #jikooknsfwau #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw

Part 1
Opposite sides of the same coin
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw

Part 2
Jimin and Taehyung are out and someone gets a little too wild 😜 #jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau #jikooknsfw

Jikook nsfw

Part 3
Jungkook’s not so lucky 😔✊🏼 #jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau #jikooknsfw

Jikook nsfw

Part 4
Maybe Jungkook is fake and he loves Yoongi #jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau #jikooknsfw

Jikook nsfw

Part 5
Yoongi is suspicious #jikook #jikookau #kookmin #kookminau #nsfwjikook

That’s all the updates for right now I’ll add more in a few hours with a bit of writing of what exactly happened during the tile between the party and Jungkook’s room lol MEANWHILE HELP ME CHOOSE SIDE SHIPS...I’ll be adding more ships polls as I get results from the previous ones

I FINALLY HAVE TIME TO UPDATE AGAIN! I’m so sorry for the delay but here ya go...This au radiates crackhead energy cause I’m like this in real life lmaooo so I’m sorry rip

The written out parts will be slightly nsfw 🔞 #jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw

Part 6
An unexpected visitor (what really happened) #jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw

Part 7
A naughty Diminnie and JK can’t resist 😳 (slight nsfw)🔞
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw

Part 8
Yoongi knows the truth #jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw

Part 9
Yoongi suffers (nsfw 🔞) #jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw

Part 10
Everyone’s going through it #jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Yeet! 4 am and I think I should sleep but I’m hoping to have 4 more updates today!!! So help me out with this again! #jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau


Do you guys want more written out parts?

Can y’all comment with your best pictures of A sexy JK and the softest pink haired jimin??? If you do I’ll use your @ for some of the updates and the pics too!!! 😔 #jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw

Part 11- The next morning
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw

Part 12- His “V” card
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw

Part 13- Taehyung is losing it
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw

Part 14- Taegi alliance and more 🔞(suggestive: hint of daddy kink)
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw

Part 15- Taegi help jungkook find Jimin
#Jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

That’s all the updates until I update again in a few hrs. It’s 2am lmao! Sorry I was so late! Here’s a poll! Help me out...also leave me questions or comments in my CC!!!

Should Tae tell Jimin he didn’t sleep with Jungkook?

You guys are probably gonna be like wtf but I have three potential nsfw Jikook aus planned once I finish this and I wanted to know which you’d be willing to read! After this tweet I’ll be putting up the next few updates lol let me know if you want summaries

You get two choices!!!

ABO 1:

ABO 2:


Jikook nsfw au

Part 16- I don’t recall 🤭
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 17- Something to remember you by baby boy (slight 🔞(???)) #jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 18- Give them back? 🥺
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 19- on one condition 😏
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 20- Fine dining 👌🏼
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #koominau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 21- What if I’m pregnant?
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 22- Taehyung says the truth
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 23- I want to smash 😔🤙🏼
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

*for the next updates pretend jimin’s hair is pink in the pictures*

Part 24- Jimin’s snap updates
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 25- Jungkook’s snap updates
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 26- Jimin’s falling
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookmin

Jikook nsfw au

Part 27- I’m here for a good time, not a long time
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 28- A grave mistake...
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

SO THAT’S ALL THE UPDATES FOR NOW!!! It’s 5:00am and I’m dying to sleep so Yeet! Please leave me some questions or comments or whatever at my curious cat!

Hey guys I don't know if y'all know about my broken phone and I've been using an old iPod so would you guys like if I did written out updates until I get my new phone? #jikookau #jikook #kookmin

Jikook nsfw au

Part 29- Taehyung is desperate
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 30- What I’ve been wanting to do🔞🔞🔞 #jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 31- Grind on me 🔞🔞🔞 #jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 32- Jungkook tells him what he really wants
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 33- because I am you asshole #jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 34- Taehyung feels guilty #jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Alright! Sorry it took me so long but I finally have my phone back and I’m sorry I returned with angst rip. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!!! UWU

Jikook nsfw

Part 35- you listen to me Park Jimin! (Tae gets Jimin from the coffee shop before Tae’a last snap)
#jikook #jikookau #kookmin #kookminau

Jikook nsfw

Part 36-Exhausted...
#jikook #jikookau #kookmin #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 37- Taehyung’s rage
#jikook #jikookau #kookmin #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 38-Lifeless...
#jikook #jikookau #kookmin #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 39- bunnies!!! 🐰
#jikook #jikookau #kookmin #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 40- Another chance
#jikook #jikookau #kookmin #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 41- you don’t know me
#jikook #jikookau #kookmin #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 42- I’m sorry
#jikook #jikookau #kookmin #kookminau

That’s it just for right now because the jikook abo I have hasn’t been updated in forever so I’ll be updating that one in a moment! In the meantime let me know what you guys think on my cc or just come talk to me rip

Jikook nsfw au

Part 43- Jungkook is not okay
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 44- But he hurt you
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 45- I’m coming for you Jungkook
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 46- I’m a shitty friend
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook au

Part 47-Taehyung updates Yoongi
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

WELPPP I HAVE A FEW MORE UPDATES READY BUT I WANTED TO SEE WHAT YOU GUYS THINK! What goes on? Let me know on my CC and tomorrow afternoon I’ll updated more

Jikook nsfw au

#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 50- I’m sorry...I was scared
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 51- Jungkook’s past
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 52- I wanted to...
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Jikook nsfw au

Part 53- I’d like that
#jikook #kookmin #jikookau #kookminau

Welpppp these are the update for now!

*note that JM and TH have a dorm where the restroom connects their rooms and has a small kitchen and living room* (in my school we would call them the commons lol)


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