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i want taehyung to shove a can of chef boyardee spaghetti-o’s in my nasal canal

Jan 3, 2019, 62 tweets

taekook nsfw au where taehyung and jungkook are rival nsfw accounts and have no idea they’ve been eachother’s roommate for two years.
#taekook #nsfw #vkook

sorry for reposting this constantly im dumb uwu !! anygays i thought of this idea whilest on nsfw twitter trying to get ideas for a new au so yeah any similarities to other au’s are purely coincidental !

this au will have:
~ lotsa crack
~ sideship minjoon
~ sideship yoonseok
~ sorry jin you’ll find someone i promise
~ actually a lot of nsfw cuz i wanna explore that side of myself yeet
~ smut ? i might get rose (aka @goobyjeons go show her some phat love) to help cuz i’ll need it

~#taekook intro one~ tae’s real and nsfw account

~#taekook intro two~ jungkook’s real and nsfw accounts

~#taekook intro three~ tae’s bestie yoongles

~#taekook intro four~ jungkookie’s bestie jingles

ps a bonus account

~#taekook intro five~ hobi aka jungkook’s bitch

~#taekook intro six~ jungkook’s other bitch jiminie

~#taekook intro seven~ the crackhead that tae loves to hate

#taekook one ~ the beginning

#taekook two ~ bitches be pressed

#taekook three ~ kookie is a meanie pants but so is tae tae ?

#taekook four ~ sad boi hours

#taekook five ~ jungkook arrived home yeet

#taekook six ~ sexy gru got me like 😆😊🤩😘🤧🤠😱

#taekook seven ~ ruh roh what happened

#taekook eight ~ we get a storytime ft. big handed wendy

#taekook nine ~ oh goodness sounds like a mess — even more than the mess of my life

#taekook ten ~ that’s a phat mood, taehyung

#taekook eleven ~ literally why would he open the door tho

#taekook twelve ~ both of these tweets are a mood

#taekook thirteen ~ the capri sun debacle 2019

#taekook fourteen ~ he still thinks there’s a ghost im wheezing

#taekook fifteen ~ how could he tbh

#taekook sixteen ~ vitamin d is very important for our health peep L

#taekook seventeen ~ hmm looks like we’ve got a side story happening in the comments

time has elapsed dot dot dot

#taekook eighteen ~ kookie’s comin home

#taekook nineteen ~ no one is okay in that household

#taekook twenty ~ tomorrow they are both starting a new class hMmMmMmMm

#taekook twenty-one ~ opposites attract amirite

#taekook twenty-two ~ he’s literally running

#taekook twenty-three ~ interesting developments

#taekook twenty-four ~ new friendships are born and deceased

#taekook twenty-five ~ mental breakdown time !!1!1!

#taekook twenty-six ~ seulgi and tae tae talk eeeekkkk

#taekook twenty-seven ~ a bath can make things better

#taekook twenty-eight ~ a new account surfaces

#taekook twenty-nine ~ goals

#taekook thirty ~ oh riGHT yeah so seulgi is famous

#taekook thirty-one ~ later that day dot dot dot

#taekook thirty-two ~ seojoon enters the picture !!

#taekook thirty-three ~ ruh roh

#taekook thirty-four ~ a lil explaination

#taekook thirty-five ~ seulgi truly won over tae laid ease the gays are quaking

#taekook thirty-six ~ a bageener bean

#taekook thirty-seven ~ the sadness sigh

#taekook thirty-eight ~ meanwhile ....

#taekook thirty-nine ~ tae’s gonna make a videooooo 🤪

#taekook forty ~ is that how u spell forty

#taekook forty-one ~ o and j make their first appearance

#taekook forty-two ~ c Ut mY li Fe iNt O pi EcE S

#taekook forty-theee ~ shane dawson is my mood always

#taekook forty-four ~ joonie nO

#taekook forty-five ~ cooch h8r

#taekook forty-six ~ pee pul better go away

#taekook forty-seven ~ on tae’s other account ,,,

#taekook forty-eight ~ ruh ruh part 489

im sorry laid ease this is a short update but i hope that u like it !!1! i wonder what happens next 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

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