Benjamin Strick Profile picture
Investigations Director @Cen4infoRes. Past BBC & @Bellingcat. Tutorials: OSINT/GEOINT. Views = own.

Feb 22, 2019, 44 tweets

#LNA under direction of #Haftar moves to take control of #Libya's oil fields. Security forces spotted moving to secure critical sites. This video was filmed from the NC115 Elephant Field plant (حقل الفيل). Footage geolocated to here:…. Uploaded to Facebook.

More #LNA vehicles seen driving by حقل الفيل main oil plant, located here:…

#Murzuq (مرزق), east of Elephant Oilfield, saw heavy bombing and shooting as #LNA battled with militia for control of the town. This video from Merzek/Wadi Rd (طريق مرزق وادي عتبة), gunfire can be heard in background. Video filmed here:…

Geolocation of video of fighters walking on #Merzek Wadi Atab Rd, Merzek, #Libya during #LNA seizure of the town yesterday. Gunfire still heard in background . Footage taken here:…

Footage of #LNA soldiers declaring victory over #Marzuq, Libya. Varying technicals of the #LNA present in the background. Video was filmed on Marzek Rd, here:… across from Ahli Bank (مصرف الاهلي)

Footage of #LNA members celebrating their takeover of #Marzuq and surrounding oil fields incl. Elephant Field ((حقل الفيل) in #Libya filmed on corner of Merzek Wadi Atab Rd (طريق مرزق وادي عتبة) & Marzek Rd (طريق مرزق غدوة).
Video geolocated to here:…

Footage taken by Haftar #LNA forces as they enter #Murzuq, #Libya. Note: before entering on ground, indiscriminate shelling was used with reports of civilian casualties. Footage geolocated to here:…

#LNA 's 166 Batallion (الكتيبة 166) stopping for a selfie in Gharyan City (غريان) early this morning. All citizens were asked to stay inside & schools were closed. Next stop - #Tripoli. Geolocated to eastern roundabout of Tgessat (تغسات) here:… #Libya

Footage from Gate 27 (بوابة الـ27) of #LNA as Libyan forces seized the checkpoint overnight pushing east toward #Tripoli. Footage was filmed here:… on the Coastal Rd in Al Mayah area (الماية).

Libyan PM Fayez al-Sarraj ( فايز السراج) at Gate 27 (بوابة الـ27) after claiming it ahead of the #LNA push toward #Tripoli, #Libya. Sarraj's forces state they control The Coastal Rd. Gate 27 is here:….

Reports of Municipality burning in #Murzuq (مرزق) #Libya. I have geolocated building to this location:…. Cannot confirm if this is municipality or not. Sources from Facebook in Murzuq have said the council building is on fire. h/t to @KmmGtz for image.

Footage from Friday's battle for Airport Highway Bridge in Qaser Bin Ghashir (قصر بن غشير) just north of #Tripoli International Airport (مطار طرابلس الدولي), #Libya. Filmed from Qaser Bin Ghashir- Sawani Rd overpass here:… h/t to حمد ابراهيم المالكي for 📽️

Smoke rising from east #Tripoli in Tajoura (تاجوراء) seen on @sentinel_hub imagery yesterday (13/4) after bombing of numerous sites in the city. Site claimed to be Al-Rahba camp (معسكر الرحبة). Building targeted is located here:…

Timelapse of site bombed by Libyan National Army (للجيش الوطني الليبي) in #Tripoli during air offensive. Building bombed was Al-Rahba camp (معسكر الرحبة) in factory area of Tajoura (تاجوراء) East Libya. Location:…. made with @sentinel_hub #LNA

Footage from this afternoon at Tripoli International Airport, #Libya. Forces allied to Maj General Idris Madi (اللواء ادريس مادي من) after an advance on #Tripoli's southern areas. Footage was filmed from this location:… #LNA

Libyan National Army retook Tamanhint Airfield (مطار تمنهنت) after it was attacked by pro-Government forces. Footage taken after battle at entrance to road securing airfield north east of Sabha (سبها) in #Libya's south. Footage filmed at this location:…

Geolocation of entrance to Tamanhint Airfield (مطار تمنهنت) north east of #Sabha in #Libya - recently attacked by Chadian pro-govt forces and retaken by #LNA forces. Location of footage taken here:…

Hospital area bombed (Al-Afia Clinic - مصحة العافية) in Qasr Bin Ghashir (قصر بن غشير) last week in #Libya by indirect shelling from fighting in #Tripoli's south. Reports of many other civilian sites hit. Location where ambulances & generators destroyed:…

Fighter jet at #Misrata Airbase (مصراتة) east of #Tripoli with 400kg SAMP Type 200 ready to load. Technicians likely from #Ecuador (note language and past contracting of technicians & pilots from Ecuador). Footage taken from this location:…. #Libya

Geolocation of fighter jet (likely Mirage F1) at #Misrata Airbase east of #Tripoli with foreign technicians. Footage (above) taken here:…. Images show 400kg SAMP Type 200 bomb. We have seen these in plentiful supply in the past:

#Libyan Govt-based FB page running video above of #Misrata technician as recent, but could be from 2016, as technician seen in his country recently. H/t @Arn_Del . Archive link:…

Tactical modification of Hyundai Santa Fe with sticky tape and local vegetation spotted in #Libya's Sabha region, south of #Tripoli. Uploaded to social page of #Sabha Joint Security.

Libya's Govt of National Accord has hired US-based lobby group Mercury Public Affairs LLC ( to lobby congress and exec branch of #Libya, identify pro-#GNA interest groups and coordinate support, media & int. affairs. Contract here:…

Forces battling over possession of Qaser Bin Ghashir (قصر بن غشير) to secure areas surrounding Tripoli International Airport (مطار طرابلس الدولي), south of #Tripoli central. Footage, taken by Western forces, was filmed here in Bin Ghashir south access:…

Minor excitement around the spoils of war. Soviet T54/55 tank in #Libya taken for a spin after capture by #LNA 106 Brigade in Espiaa (اسبيعة) south of Tripoli International Airport. Footage geolocated to here:…

Delivery of Turkish-made BMC Kirpi II inf vehicles to GNA forces at Port of Tripoli (مرفأ طرابلس). Vessel identified as Turkish-owned h/t @CapteursO (). Footage of BMC's unloading: . Img1 geolocated to here:…

Oh and h/t to 'Eagle Eyes' @john_marquee for geolocating building visible across the water. 🤓🖖🏿

#GNA supporters look relatively happy about today's arrival of the BMC Kirpi II infantry vehicles from Turkish carrier the 'Amazon'. These selfies can be geolocated to the Port of Tripoli (مرفأ طرابلس) to this exact location:…. #Libya.

Forces clashing with heavy weapons in north Bin Ghashir (قصر بن غشير) south of #Tripoli. Footage from weekend shows #LNA forces near Yarmouk Military base (معسكر اليرموك) firing at forces to west, taken on Salah Aldeen - Qaser Bin Ghashir Rd - here:….

Residential areas suffer from collateral in battle for Tripoli. Image is from #LNA update on battle of bridge over Airport Hwy in #Tripoli. Building in background is Alkhuwildi Apartments (…). Damage seen to building is example of many in حي المطار. #Libya

Medical centre ambulance area bomb damage in Qaser Bin Ghashir (قصر بن غشير) #Libya. Visual evidence of bomb damage assessment seen in tweet at time of event here: . The exact site is present on Google Earth imagery of 18-4-2019 (…).

Satellite imagery (18/5) confirms Amazon vessel with delivery of Turkish-made BMC Kirpi II's to #GNA-allied fighters in Port of Tripoli, Libya. Geolocation:…. #Libya

LNA bombing of GNA roadblocks in residential areas on Ayn Zarah Rd in Wadi Dinar (وادي دينار) area south Tripoli. Satellite imagery from 4/5 & 7/5 shows before and after. Geolocated to here:….

#GNA Tajoura Rahba brigade using DJI Inspire 2 drone to assist targeting in mortar attacks in #Tripoli's Tajoura area (تاجوراء). #LNA forces targeted near Tata Mosque (مسجد الطفة), here:…

Footage of #GNA Tajoura Rahba mortar unit targeting #LNA units in #Tripoli, Libya, in the Tajoura area (تاجوراء). #LNA forces targeted near Tata Mosque (مسجد الطفة). Shelling landing here:… (Geolocation in tweet above).

After this morning's gunfire #LNA forces claim they have taken the transport camp (معسكر النقلية) in Tripoli's southern area on Airport Road (طريق المطار). It's a step toward #Tripoli. Image taken here:… #Libya

As the story goes in Libya's #Tripoli, transport camp (معسكر النقلية) claimed by #LNA forces, retaken by #GNA volcano forces (بركان الغضب) after today's fighting. Footage filmed this afternoon by #GNA, where #LNA stood this morning. Footage geolocated:…

Footage of bombing of #Tripoli's Mitiga Int. Airport (مطار معيتيقة الدولي) recorded from plane. Bombing seen at 15s & 16s when plane was here:…. @UNSMILibya condemned attacks on #Libya airport used by millions & for hum assistance ()

@UNSMILibya Sentinel-2 imagery shows signs of damage to building in #Misrata Air Base (مطار مصراتة الدولي) after #LNA bombings. Imagery from 24/7 & 29/7 shows visible change here:…. Further strike indicated by @Obs_IL: . @sentinel_hub

@UNSMILibya @Obs_IL @sentinel_hub Geolocation of car bombing in #Benghazi yesterday killing 3 UN staff & injuring many. Footage located here:… at entrance to Trade & Dev Bank (مصرف التجارة والتنمية) in Al Hawary area (الهواري). Statement from @UNSMILibya:…

Images taken in carpark of #Benghazi's Trade & Dev Bank (مصرف التجارة والتنمية) show size of blast and damage to interior of bank. Reports say 3 UN staff, 10 civilians injured. Govt & LNA had agreed to ceasefire for Eid al-Adha. Location:…)

More bombings at #Tripoli's #Mitiga International Airport (مطار معيتيقة الدولي) in early hours of this morning. Fire caused by shelling at end of runway. @flightradar24 showing flights diverted since 1:30am. Image of fire geolocated to here:…

@flightradar24 Libya's Sabha International Airport (مطار سبها الدولي) is reopened after a six year hiatus. Ceremony was marked with arrival of Libyan Airlines 5A-LAK landing on the SEB runway in #Libya's south. SEB is here:…

@flightradar24 First passengers stepping out onto the tarmac this afternoon since Sabha International Airport's (مطار سبها الدولي) official reopening as a functioning airport in #Libya. Main link will be with #Benghazi's Benina International Airport. Footage from here:…

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