Rich Taunt Profile picture
Part of @kscopehealth & @care_unbound & @HoStBarnabas. Tweeting about health & how to improve it. Occasionally veering into south London life.

Feb 27, 2019, 8 tweets

Mini-thread on bullying & an even bigger problem. I wrote this on bullying in the NHS & #metoo for @NuffieldTrust reflecting on last year's #ntsummit.…

Two parts to the argument: bullying way too high, and not sufficiently part of the mainstream policy conversation. Idea was whether we could learn from #metoo in terms of calling out woefully unacceptable behaviour.

Where are we a year on? Not great. From #NHSStaffSurvey bullying metrics ⬆️ across the board. Not massive, but against a backdrop of everyone thinking they were too high to start with, that's not good.…

Are people more prepared to call it? Not particularly, rates staying pretty static. If there is going to be a #metoo for bulling in the NHS, we're yet to see any sign of it.

How about bullying being part of the policy conversation? Here's a wordcloud of the 50k words which make up the #NHSLongTermPlan. Spot bullying? Go on, take a peek.…

No, of course you can't. The 4 mentions of 'Bullying' - half that of 'Manchester', and only 1 more than 'France' - doesn't even make it on to the list.

Let's try another document: 2019-20 Planning guidance. Nice operational document, surely more space for everyday problems such as bullying...…

Nope. Only 1 mention this time. We could go on, but I think you get the message.

I'm going to call it: a bigger problem than bullying itself is the neglect, willful or otherwise, from policymakers in making it a priority. Let's hope it's a different story next year. Ends.

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