تركي العويرضي ⛺ 🐪 🔥 Profile picture
التوحيد أولاً - Online Intellectual Therapist - مُعالج فكري.

Mar 11, 2019, 11 tweets

1️⃣ Most of people especially #Muslims, #Christians & #Atheists fall for (Straw man) argument .

Let’s discuss it here.

(Straw man) argument is an illusion of refuting an argument that wasn’t presented in the first place.


Peace be upon you friends. 🌹😊❤️


#Muslims or #Christians say: The Creator does exist.
#Atheists say: The Creator does not exist.

Both are claims which have to be proven, but none of all of them can prove it, so they continue sinking in loop of cyclone dilemma which can’t stop.


3️⃣ If they started to say: (I believe) that The Creator does exist or (I believe) that The Creator does not exist, then the argument has begun to take a more rational course so that everyone can understand the other's position.


4️⃣ There’s a difference between the statement and the claim.

A. Statement:

(I believe) that The Creator does exit > reason
(I believe) that The Creator does not exit > reason

B. Claim:

The Creator does exist > proof
The Creator does not exit > proof


5️⃣ Let’s establish the principle of (belief).

🔴 What does (belief) mean?

🔵(Belief) is the acceptance of something to be true with or without evidence.

Faith, trust, convinced, convicted, accept, words refer to the term (Belief).



🔶 Thus, if you believe in The Creator, Big Bang, Multiple universes, Evolution, Galaxies, Landing on the moon,..etc

Then you’re a believer, it doesn’t matter if you’re Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, atheist or whatever.


7️⃣ If someone said (I believe in this or that), the right question would be (why?)

So I suggest this: never ever ask for scientific evidence or proofs to prove the belief, because it’s illogical question.

But why?


8️⃣ Belief or faith is not reality but a result of proposition. It is not something tangible, nor is it unified among people even among followers of one religion, sect or direction.

Every single person has own reasons which can can be similar or different.



🔴 Conclusion:

Starting from this moment, I suggest to start to ask (why) instead of asking for evidence in response to belief matters.

Thank you so much dear brothers, sisters and friends.


❇️ For more understanding



The Creator

The existence of The Creator

Human values

The Holy Qur’an


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