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#FreeAssange free #GraphicDesign resources: posters, banners, flyers, infographics, free speech billboards (link below) Traitor to the war machine. #WikiLeaks

Apr 13, 2019, 12 tweets

Let's go on a graphic tour of some of WikiLeaks biggest exposures of wrongdoing and criminality from our corrupt elites. This is why they want Julian Assange silenced (and anyone else daring to do expose them).

#1 GITMO files: torture and lies

#FreeAssange #WikiLeaks

#2 Iraq War Logs: torture, rape, murder, hiding of civilian deaths

#FreeAssange #WikiLeaks

#3 Minton Report: toxic waste dumping and coverups

#FreeAssange #WikiLeaks

#4 Collateral Murder: war crimes, murder of journalists

#FreeAssange #WikiLeaks

#5 Cablegate and PlusD: countless revelations of wrongdoing, Clinton's illegal surveillance of allies and UN top officials and leaders

#FreeAssange #WikiLeaks

#6 Syria Files: Western support for Assad regime brutality

#FreeAssange #WikiLeaks

#7 Global Intelligence Files: exposing a 'shadow CIA', informers, money laundering, surveillance of activists

#FreeAssange #WikiLeaks

#8 TTP, TTIP & TISA: secret trade agreements, handing power from governments to multinational corporations

#FreeAssange #WikiLeaks

#9 NSA World Leaders Targets: US spying on heads of state and UN secretary general, economic espionage

#FreeAssange #WikiLeaks

#10 DNC leaks: Democratic National Committee corruption to undermine Bernie Sanders' campaign, collusion with media, 'pay for play'

#FreeAssange #WikiLeaks

That's just the tip of the iceberg. There's #Vault7 exposure of CIA cyberweapons gone out of control—and check this thread for more: . Visit This is why elites want to shut down Assange and WikiLeaks—and why we must #FreeAssange!

Getting requests for these #WikiLeaks Top 10 images as print-ready files. You can download them all here:… These files are 18"x4.4"—odd dimensions as were originally for online use. So will need some trimming—can print up to twice that size. #FreeAssange

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