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Jul 27, 2019, 8 tweets

This picture of #Mogadishu, #Somalia, in 1958 destroys the myth from my northerners that the blue flag was a northern thing. Way before June 26, 1960, the flag stands side by side with the Italian and UN flags. The south was placed under UN trusteeship still administered by Italy

Part of the problem in Somalia is that proper history is not often taught. Lessons are almost always delivered in a biased and tainted manner with shortsighted tribal motives. As I grew older, I discovered much of what my Isaaqs have been feeding me were nothing but lies.

Myth 2-1: My northerners claim they secured independence for the south. Degehtur monument commemorates Somali protest against reinstating of Italians under UN mandate in 1949. Allies defeated Italy in 1941. British military administration (BMA) governed the south (1941-1949).

By 1943, the south already set up Somali Youth League party to pave the way for self rule. By 1950s they were working with foreign powers for the transition and birth of Somali nation. Attached are 2 images of Hargeisa and Mogadishu in 1950s. It's clear which is ready for state.

I've mentioned the Degehtur incident which left 2 Somalis dead, 50 injured and 10 British soldiers dead is because the UN won't ready to introduce new administration. Yet in the north they convinced themselves, the UN relinquished its trusteeship within five days (June 26-July 1)

It was a long process in which the likes of SYL sow its seeds in 1943. Here is the statement and lobby work of Abdullahi Isse, the first Somali PM under UN trusteeship (1956) and SYL member.
He was succeeded by Egal in 1960 as the new PM.

Statement by Abdullahi Issa, representative of the SYL and Hamar Youth Club, before the first committee General Assembly, United Nations, October 7, 1949
Concerning the decision to be made concerning the future of Somaliland as an independent nation free from Italian rule.

Somali independence: the truth. In this posts, RIP to many lies.

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