✡️ Never Again Action ✡️ Profile picture
We are Jews, immigrants & allies taking direct action to stop violence and persecution against immigrants. We fight to end deportation, detention, and ICE.

Aug 13, 2019, 16 tweets

BREAKING: #JewsAgainstICE are assembling to shut down their local concentration camp in Houston, Texas.

Never Again is a promise, and it requires action.


#JewsAgainstICE and allies in Houston are blocking the road outside of the Southwest Key facility. We will continue disrupting business as usual until you #CloseTheCamps, #AbolishICE, and stop terrorizing our immigrant neighbors.

PS: This street is called Emancipation Avenue. 🤔

Police are already on the scene in Houston, where #JewsAgainstICE are risking arrest to demand a #DignityPlan for immigration.

We're participating in nonviolent, direct action because we can't accept these atrocities in our communities.

They have weapons.

We have our voices, praying.
We have our bodies, sitting.

And we will win.


HAPPENING NOW: Houston Police arresting #JewsAgainstICE who blocked the Southwest Key Facility.

We're a congregation, gathered peacefully, willing to do whatever it takes to #CloseTheCamps.

We're a national network of Jews, immigrants & allies demanding better from our home.

Show me what tikkun olam looks like...


It's hard & scary & emotional for us to participate in these actions.

But we know it's only a fraction of what our immigrant neighbors are experiencing at the hands of the US govt.


100 #JewsAgainstICE and allies are gathered outside of the Southwest Key Facility in Houston, and we're wondering:

You're spending $795 every night per child you've caged. Where is that money going? Cuz it's not being spent on toothpaste.


#NeverAgainMeans Smash White Supremacy.

Never Again Means #CloseTheCamps.

Never Again Means #AbolishICE.


July 1941 - that's when the letter stopped coming from Russia.

This descendant of Holocaust survivors can count her immediate family on her fingers.

This can happen in America, today. If we let it. If we don't do everything in our power to shut it down.

Children are being ripped from their parents.

People are being denied food and basic healthcare.

Immigrants are being terrorized.

We're in pain.
We're not asking nicely.
We're fucking angry.

#CloseTheCamps #AbolishICE

In Islam, saving one life is saving humanity.

In Judaism, saving a life overrides any other mitzvah.

We stand united with our siblings of all faiths because these values are universal.


Sólo le pido a Di-s que lo injusto no me sea indiferente.

I only ask of G-d that I not be indifferent to injustice.


We are standing here, outside a baby jail, demanding that the government stop the deportations, stop the family separations, and adopt a #DignityPlan.

We'll be back, standing with our immigrant neighbors, until our demands are met.


נברא אדם יחידי בעולם, ללמד שכל המאבד נפש אחת, מעלים עליו כאילו איבד עולם מלא; וכל המקיים נפש אחת, מעלים עליו כאילו קיים עולם מלא.

Anyone who destroys a life has destroyed an entire world; and anyone who saves a life has saved an entire world.

Right now, US law is in violation of Jewish law. It's in violation of our moral codes.

So here we are.


We're here.
We're fighting.
And we'll keep fighting.
They want us to be quiet.
It's not going to happen.


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