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Covering #Iran & #MidEast, especially what MSM won't Have a passion for exposing Tehran apologists/lobbyists

Aug 16, 2019, 15 tweets


Let’s teach @theintercept a lesson.
This outlet & #Iran regime apologists/lobbyists are accusing Voice of America Persian of becoming a pro-Trump outlet.
It is interesting that they never complained when pro-Tehran voices, such as Negar Mortazavi, were at VOA Persian.

The first individual cited in this piece is Negar Mortazavi, who is known for her close relations with @JZarif, Iran’s top diplomat, and @NIACouncil, Tehran’s DC-based lobby group.

Mortazavi is completely biased.

Former VOA executive editor Mohammad Manzarpour is another individual cited in The Intercept piece.
Here’s proof from a Washington Times article that Manzarpour himself is completely biased.

Manzarpour spent many years at the BBC, where he mourned the death of former Iranian president Hashemi Rafsanjani.

The Iranian people have dubbed the BBC as #AyatollahBBC for its completely biased & pro-regime broadcasting.

This thread sheds light.

The Intercept then turns its crosshairs on me.

This entire paragraph is full of biased material and lies.

Let’s dig in.

The first link refers to a piece in the pro-Iran appeasement website Lobe Log written by NIAC member Assal Rad.
Iranians have voiced their utter disgust of NIAC.
Take a look at these hashtags and a thread.

The article uses the term “cult” & links to another Intercept article as a source (very credible, indeed!) by Ali Gharib & Eli Clifton, two highly biased figures. The term “cult” is a known talking point used by Iran’s regime & pro-regime voices against the Iranian opposition.

Clifton has also joined forces with Parsi & others to launch a new think tank, The Quincy Institute, to supposedly oppose U.S. foreign wars. A look at the founders of this entity sheds light on their true intentions.

The Intercept article recalls an Iran-launched campaign that cited regime-linked sources in claims (published by The Intercept) that I am a persona, resulting in Twitter suspending my account & then reinstating it after gaining assurance that The Intercept’s claims were lies.

The Intercept was widely humiliated, and they still can’t get over it.

Here’s a reminder of my response debunking The Intercept’s claims & parroting of Tehran’s talking points.

The Intercept article cites Jason Rezaian who has been heavily criticized for writing pro-regime articles in The Washington Post, parroting talking points of the same regime that placed him behind bars.

This thread debunks just one of his articles.

Azadeh Moaveni is the next individual cited in The Intercept piece. She, too, is highly biased (with ties to Parsi) and can be described as an Iran regime apologist/lobbyist.

She even went on Al Jazeera criticizing Twitter for removing fake pro-Iran regime accounts.

Moaveni signs NIAC petitions, quotes other Iran regime apologists/lobbyists, tweets against any regime change in Iran (a typical pro-Tehran talking point) & tweets in support of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

Need I say more?

By the way, for those interested in a fair and objective evaluation of the Iranian opposition MEK, I suggest reading this.

My conclusion:
The Intercept is a biased outlet citing biased individuals as sources.

Neither the Intercept nor any Iran regime apologist/lobbyist had any problem with VOA Persian promoting Obama when he was president.

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