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Aug 18, 2019, 10 tweets

.@charliekirk11 is right. #Antifa is so bad the #proudboys today had to:

-hand to gland combat
-rough up the suspect
-badger the witness
-Box the one eyed champ
-play the 5 on 1
-beat the bishop
-make the bald man cry

Then shook hands with the milkman & left #PortlandProtest

I think there is a reporter out there who can report on #PortlandProtest using all these nuances above in the correct context.
@brooklynmarie ?

Don’t unfollow because of my tweet. It is accurate.
These are the #proudboys.

Exhibit B: #proudboys initiation ritual

Someone mentioned “macho men” 👆

I dont think I saw these #ProudBoys protest, let’s say, in east la? Oakland? South Chicago? Baltimore?

What’s the next stop #proudboys? Nantucket? The Hamptons?

to the people who tweeted about the #proudboys initiation clip and said it did not illustrate reality, 7 the mention of cereal is unique to that guy.
Here are some fruity pebbles and Kithh my athh.

here is a third..

and a fourth....with rice Krispies
I think one may say, it is the standard foreplay for these #ProudBoys

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