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Aug 20, 2019, 14 tweets

The #SafeSurgeries4London event is about to begin. Follow us as we hear from expert healthcare professionals on inclusive and accessible primary care in our city. #SafeSurgeries

Access to healthcare is a matter of social justice. The Mayor thinks the #HostileEnvironment undermines social integration. London is open.
Stephen Waring from @LDN_gov opening #SafeSurgeries4London

@LDN_gov .@jenniecorb on the progress and challenges of #SafeSurgeries one year on. Key issues faced by our patients in accessing #care: lack of paperwork, language barriers, immigration status, and fear #SafeSurgeries4London

@LDN_gov @jenniecorb 82 #SafeSurgeries across 21 boroughs in London, support by local authorities, & endorsement by @rcgp for the toolkit. A year on, we want to embed training, work w new & existing local structures, strengthen support & mandate for local efforts, expand to more holistic care

@LDN_gov @jenniecorb @rcgp .@jen_akhurst, GP and volunteer @DOTW_UK on her practice being proud of putting #SafeSurgeries message out there and supporting patients access care #SafeSurgeries4London

One of @jen_akhurst patients was left without care for his epilepsy because he couldn't pay. As #GP, she felt she wasn't fully qualified to treat him.

@jen_akhurst The panel discussion is on. @lu_hiam chairs “What should an inclusive primary care system for all Londoners look like?”. #SafeSurgeries4London

@jen_akhurst @lu_hiam Sultana Rahman Assistant Programme Director @HealthyLDN on the importance of equitable care and holistic services. #SafeSurgeries4London

@jen_akhurst @lu_hiam @HealthyLDN .@Dr_Raj_Patel Deputy National Medical Director for Primary Care for @NHSEngland & @NHSImprovement - Healthcare is an altruistic area of work and it's a decade of engrained behaviour we need to change. #SafeSurgeries4London

@jen_akhurst @lu_hiam @HealthyLDN @Dr_Raj_Patel @NHSEngland @NHSImprovement A pregnant woman called @lawrsuk because she was bleeding but was unsure whether she could go to the GP as she hadn't received a letter confirming registration, and a friend told her w/o it she'd have to pay £500 #SafeSurgeries4London

@jen_akhurst @lu_hiam @HealthyLDN @Dr_Raj_Patel @NHSEngland @NHSImprovement @lawrsuk and she had been refused from the practice near her, and unable to speak English she had to go with a friend. This is how the conversation looks from the other side. -
@gvguk, Interim Director @lawrsuk

@jen_akhurst @lu_hiam @HealthyLDN @Dr_Raj_Patel @NHSEngland @NHSImprovement @lawrsuk @gvguk In cases of violence or abuse, the first thing we say to women is to go to a #GP, because they'll be able to collect evidence & open the doors to other types of support services. But there is a very high level of mistrust & misinformation - @gvguk from @lwrs #SafeSurgeries4London

@jen_akhurst @lu_hiam @HealthyLDN @Dr_Raj_Patel @NHSEngland @NHSImprovement @lawrsuk @gvguk @lwrs When people cannot register with a #GP, the consequences are not just on them and their families, but on the whole society. This is why we have supported the work of @DOTW_UK and endorsed the #safesurgeries toolkit. - Dr Victoria Tzortziou-Brown, @rcgp #SafeSurgeries4London

@jen_akhurst @lu_hiam @HealthyLDN @Dr_Raj_Patel @NHSEngland @NHSImprovement @lawrsuk @gvguk @lwrs @rcgp Dr Caroline Shulman, #GP in Homeless & Inclusion Health @PathwayUK is speaking about complex health needs and barriers to accessing holistic healthcare, like distrust, fear of addictions not being met, difficulty registration #SafeSurgeries4London

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