Marilia Coutinho, Ph.D., the Baffled Immigrant 🇵 Profile picture
Independent scholar, strength coach, ☭☭☭, #sociology #LatinAmericanStudies 🍉

Aug 25, 2019, 7 tweets


Observe the map below: it represents the area affected by the current fires in Amazonia.


2/ Now observe the map below. These are the 33 Mexicos in the mind of imbecile racist Americans. Observe the countries and compare with the map above, with the fire image:


3/ Observe now the distribution of #indigenous reserves in Amazonia, which, BTW, should cover ALL OF AMAZONIA: the land was stolen from them. It still belongs to a country called #Brazil. There are fascist in power - we're going to kick them out.


4/ This was my job talk for the Latin American studies position at one prestigious American University in 2000. Two of us were shortlisted. This is one of the slides. I still believe in what I wrote and explained.…

5/ It's a great idea to stop talking about Amazonia as if it were just "a place" and a "world resource". It is important to the whole world but it belongs to a country (currently under illegitimate fascist power, but this, too, shall pass). That would be #Brazil.

6/ #AmazoniaIsNotForSale

And above all, these folks here have priority. Don't ignore that. It really pisses us off.

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