Ned Richardson-Little Profile picture
Historian of crime, international law, and human rights in Germany. Freigeist Fellow at Uni Erfurt. he/him. #OtherGlobalGermany and #il_liberal

Aug 26, 2019, 6 tweets

#GDR #OTD 1978 – First German cosmonaut Sigmund Jähn (r) launches into space aboard Soyuz 31 (1)

Crowds listening to reports of Sigmund Jähn’s spaceflight at the Weltzeituhr on Alexanderplatz, East Berlin #otd in 1978 (2)

East German cosmonaut Sigmund Jähn on spaceflight "what I saw then was total happiness: Our Earth, in shining in bright blue. Just like a dream.” (3)

Sandmännchen en route to outer space in pocket of GDR cosmonaut Sigmund Jähn (4)

In film Goodbye, Lenin!, the protagonist pretends to his mother that Sigmund Jähn has become leader of SED in 1990. (5)

The Soviet Interkosmos program gave friendly nations including East Germany (and France!), access to manned spaceflight (6)

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