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Aug 27, 2019, 8 tweets


No time to read @ITIFdc report of UK clean #energy #innovation performance but want to know how the UK performed?…

@beisgovuk @ScotGovEnergy @EnergySysCat @theCCCuk

@ITIFdc @beisgovuk @ScotGovEnergy @EnergySysCat @theCCCuk UK just makes top 10, performing best on 'social legitimation' (i.e. making clean energy more acceptable).

Does well too on 'option generation' (i.e. scale & diversity of clean energy RD&D funding).

Poorest on 'scale-up' (i.e. later stage demonstration & commercialisation).

@ITIFdc @beisgovuk @ScotGovEnergy @EnergySysCat @theCCCuk UK has done extremely well on growing its RD&D spend, ranking 1st of all the @MICleanEnergyRD countries. Kudos to @beisgovuk and its Industrial Strategy spending, which I imagine has been the primary driver.

@ITIFdc @beisgovuk @ScotGovEnergy @EnergySysCat @theCCCuk @MICleanEnergyRD Not so good news is UK spend on basic energy science.

For a world leader in higher education research our relative spend is a fraction of some of our peers in W. Europe & N. America.

Just look at the USA's relative spend. Quite amazing. Mexico too also very impressive.

@ITIFdc @beisgovuk @ScotGovEnergy @EnergySysCat @theCCCuk @MICleanEnergyRD Whilst UK didn't do so well on 'Scale Up', we find it ranked 4th in terms of cleantech start-ups & 8th on both demo funding & renewable energy attractiveness (see @EY_UK_Energy).

It fell down on patents & CCS/adv nuclear spend.

@ITIFdc @beisgovuk @ScotGovEnergy @EnergySysCat @theCCCuk @MICleanEnergyRD @EY_UK_Energy 'Social legitimation' - UK world leader on fuel taxes & int collaboration. Performs less strongly against CO2 effective price & share of RD&D spend that's low-carbon.

"The UK has a lower carbon price, but partially compensates for it with a much higher transportation fuel tax"

@ITIFdc @beisgovuk @ScotGovEnergy @EnergySysCat @theCCCuk @MICleanEnergyRD @EY_UK_Energy With all the chatter of #Brexit and #UK isolationism, let's just remember what an outward facing nation we are day-to-day.

UK top in international collaboration on clean energy RD&D - participates in all 8 @MICleanEnergyRD Challenges, leading 2, & hosting the MI Secretariat.

@ITIFdc @beisgovuk @ScotGovEnergy @EnergySysCat @theCCCuk @MICleanEnergyRD @EY_UK_Energy So a mixed performance from UK but some promising signs.

LET'S KEEP - growing RD&D spend, taxing carbon & engaging internationally

LET'S START - growing share and diversity of clean energy RD&D. Also grow total energy science budget & supporting IP protection through patents.

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