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Aug 27, 2019, 14 tweets

1/ Kicking off our inimitable #G7Biarritz photo tour: Macron's "kill 'em w kindness" thumbs up, one of many, defined the Trump pacification exercise. And it worked like a charm. Said POTUS: “There was great unity…tremendous unity. Nobody wanted to leave.”📷Philippe Wojazer

2/ The #G7Biarritz containment effort started off with Macron commanding/commandeering Trump’s attention during a 5-minute televised encounter at Saturday lunch. This was about the only scene that circulated at the outset. (@andyharnik @AP_Images)

3/ This birds-eye view, distributed by the @G7, projecting a fantasy of, well, égalité and fraternité. Junking a final communique on day 1, the pic is an impersonal give away. The accomplishment of the 3 days is that we sat at the same table. #G7Biarritz

4/ Trump and @BorisJohnson both derive energy from chaos and showmanship. With some exceptions, the other #G7Biarritz leaders managed to tamp them down. Btw, notice the tension on the rest of the faces in the wider shot.📷 @andyharnik @AP_Images; @mostreluctant @AFPphoto

5/ The @reuterspictures were overwhelmingly mocking, forsaking nuance for clownish clickbait. Of all the issues at stake at #G7Biarritz, a potential no-deal #Brexit pretty much comes down to @BorisJohnson & @eucopresident @donaldtusk. Is this just screwball, or is the UK toast?

6/ As a media image, more Trump ego click bait. The key here, though, is the smug Macron, setting up #POTUS to enjoy that much oxygen. #G7Biarritz

7/ Cheapest of the Reuters cheap shots. A frozen instant from the #G7Biarritz group photo made it look like Melania was coming on to @JustineTrudeau. At least the French photog for Reuters showed how the gotcha can work the other way.📷Philippe Wojazer; @carlosabarria

8/ As usual, the @WhiteHouse Flickr's #G7Biarritz album is a 94 photo unedited, quirky mess. They actually prioritize the sycophantic stuff. And isn’t it interesting that the NYT pic, critical of the Trump show, was simply a variation? 📷 Shealah Craighead/WH; @erinschaff

9/ The summit started off with a focus on #climatechange and condemnation of the #AmazonFires in Brazil. The fact real results were never in the cards at #G7Biarritz though provided that much more fuel for public frustration. 📷 @stephanemahe @Reuters; @AFPphoto

10/ Key pix of #G7Biarritz? How about Trump undercutting the Japanese president. In Abe’s presence, Trump dismissed NK missiles, then made a preliminary, one-sided US-Japanese trade agreement sound like a done deal. Still, it didn’t dissuade the PR team:

11/ Macron engineered a (planely?) clever surprise visit by Iran's foreign minister w Trump’s last minute assent. The jet is as close as the western press got--unless you follow @AlJazeera. They ran a @JZarif - Macron meeting pic via the minister’s Twitter feed. #G7Biarritz

12/ The shot of the #G7Biarritz summit was Trump’s empty chair during the climate session. He begged out because of "scheduled meetings w Merkel and Modi." However, you can see them both at the climate meeting in the second pic distributed in India via Asian News Intrnl @ANI.

The tweet from the PR team:

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