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Sep 12, 2019, 8 tweets

“We sought for opportunities to accelerate current progress & bend the curve to achieve no #malaria on the planet. We identified numerous opportunities”

Sir Richard Feachem, Commission Chair @IGHSatUCSF

#LancetMalaria #EndMalaria #malariaeradication

The Commission advocates for an additional US$2 billion to be made available annually for #malaria. The @GlobalFund replenishment is a major opportunity - Richard Feachem, Chair

#LancetMalaria #EndMalaria #malariaeradication

“Malaria eradication will strongly drive us towards achieving the @UN #SDGs and achieving #UHC for all” - Richard Feachem, Commission Chair

#LancetMalaria #EndMalaria #malariaeradication

How to galvanise the political will and finance for #malariaeradication - chaired by @lindayueh @malarianomoreuk

Tune in now to hear from @endmalariazm @Scott_Filler @GlobalFund @E8_Malaria @PMIgov

#LancetMalaria #EndMalaria

Delivering #malariaeradication and leaving no one behind - final panel led by Dr Abdou Diallo @endmalaria

Hear from @UHASGhana @IGHSatUCSF @CS4MEglobal

Watch live

#LancetMalaria #EndMalaria

Missed today’s launch event?

Read the full @TheLancet #MalariaEradication Commission or view the key findings in these infographics which layout out how #malaria can be eradicated within a generation

#LancetMalaria #EndMalaria

@MEIatUCSF Want a quick summary of the new #LancetMalaria Commission which lays out the ambition to #EndMalaria within a generation?

Listen to a podcast with Commission Chair, Sir Prof Richard Feachem who discusses the prospects and benefits of #malariaeradication

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