Marjorie Stiegler MD Profile picture
Retired academic living the dream | 🎙The Career Rx Podcast | 👩‍💼Board of Directors @APSForg | 👩‍⚕️Adj Professor @UNC_anesthesia | #medtwitter | she/her

Oct 21, 2019, 6 tweets

Monday wrapping up at #CHEST2019 with these fun images of our community and conversations. Look at how we're connected! #hcsm #SoMeDocs

@ChrisCarrollMD @virenkaul @PisaniMAP @arghavan_salles @RozyKhanDO @accpchest @CHESTFoundation Here's a hashtag node map to reveal the other hashtags and conversation topics that are hot at #CHEST2019 - seems that #womeninmedicine are in full force at this meeting! I also see timely topics like #vaping and end-of-life care highly represented. What do you see?

@ChrisCarrollMD @virenkaul @PisaniMAP @arghavan_salles @RozyKhanDO @accpchest @CHESTFoundation Another community map! #CHEST2019 Do you see someone you want to meet in real life, but you don't know yet? Reply to this tweet and tag them right here! (That's the first step)

@ChrisCarrollMD @virenkaul @PisaniMAP @arghavan_salles @RozyKhanDO @accpchest @CHESTFoundation Just 400 colleagues at #CHEST2019 - or following along from somewhere else. The magic of #hcsm. Are you here, but not really here? Tell us :)

@ChrisCarrollMD @virenkaul @PisaniMAP @arghavan_salles @RozyKhanDO @accpchest @CHESTFoundation Yes, #CHEST2019 is here in New Orleans, but we've got a global attendance and a global audience on #medtwitter! We even have friends from Australia!

@ChrisCarrollMD @virenkaul @PisaniMAP @arghavan_salles @RozyKhanDO @accpchest @CHESTFoundation Some people don't think that physicians are actually using social media to interact professionally - but I think this proves them wrong:

⚕️Look at all of that green - the vast majority of #CHEST2019 tweets are from physicians and clinicians.

🎉> 31 million impressions!

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