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The #Zioness Movement stands in solidarity with those who seek social justice while promoting self-determination for the Jewish people.

Nov 1, 2019, 6 tweets

Today, Zioness Philadelphia and Zioness Director of Grassroots Organizing @CarlyPildis marched in solidarity with #homeishere #protectdaca #saveTPS #ZionessAction #ZionessSpeaksForMe

We were inspired and outraged by the stories we heard. We stand with DREAMers, TPS recipients and all immigrants. We stand against injustice which is why we are Zionists. #homeishere #ZionessAction #zionessSpeaksForMe

We marched together because we believe there is no American Dream without DREAMers!! #ZionessAction #ZionessSpeaksforMe

We gathered together and stood up against injustice #homeishere #ZionessAction #ZionessSpeaksforMe

We raised our voices against oppression, cruelty, xenophobia and racism #homeishere #ZionessAction #ZionessSpeaksforMe

We are rooted in Jewish values and stand against injustice and oppression. Join us!

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